Spring 2023
Hi all,
Happy Spring! I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you had a restorative spring break!
I’m having a busy spring and I’m guessing you are too, so this newsletter will cut to the chase.
THESA is looking forward to it’s 2023 conference which will be held at Semiahmoo Secondary School in Surrey, BC on October 20, 2023. The planning committee has the planning well underway and we can’t wait to get together to grow and learn together. They are hoping to offer a hybrid option, as well. Watch for updates at thesaconference.ca. Also, we are actively searching for a host for the 2024 THESA conference. Please get in touch with me if you or a group of you are interested in hosting or have questions about hosting.
The Canadian Symposium on Home Economics Education was held in Saskatoon this February and many THESA members attended, some in person, some virtually. Presentations were fascinating, timely, and relevant to our classrooms. Some THESA attendees also presented. It was wonderful to consider home economics education today as we met up with home economics educators and affiliates and advocates from across Canada and the world. The proceedings of the symposium are being put together. We will share the link with you once they are completed and available.
Are you looking for some professional development opportunities this spring or summer to help broaden your scope as an educator? UBC is offering home economics specific courses this summer including Agriculture in the Curriculum and Practical Foods. These courses connect with the UBC Home Economics diploma (a great to way to access TQS category 5+!) and masters programs. I spotted a few other interesting looking summer institutes while looking through the UBCO website including a Food and Environmental Sustainability; A Walkabout: Co-creating Pedagogies of Hope on the Land; Creating Inclusive Spaces, Advancing Equity, and Using Anti-Racism Pedagogy; and Using Indigenous Assessment Practices in the STEAM Setting. Kwantlen Polytechnic also offers some great, hands-on practical courses.
I hope you feel invigorated as the days are getting longer and I wish you a satisfying end to your school year.
Melissa Edstrom
THESA President