Winter 2022
Hi all! I hope you are enjoying a well deserved break doing things that restore you after a busy return to school this fall. I know my students and I all felt pretty prepared to take some time away from our building for a little rest and relaxation.
THESA was thrilled to host it’s first in person conference in three years this past October. THANK YOU to Jocelyn Deck and Rachel Labossiere for their tireless efforts that facilitated an incredible learning event! “Let’s Dig In” at La Salle College was a huge success. It was a great feeling to be back in person and learn along side so many of you. Thank you for joining us, whether it was in person or hybrid, for this unique, hands-on professional development opportunity. If you didn’t make it, we hope your October pro-d day was a success for you as well. We are now looking forward to our 2023 conference which will be held in Surrey on October 20, 2023. If you or a group of you are interested in hosting the 2024 conference of have questions about hosting, please get in touch with me.
If you’re looking for a professional development opportunity before next October, we encourage you to attending the Canadian Symposium for Home Economics either in person in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan or virtually via the hybrid option March 3-5. The Canadian Symposium provides a forum for sharing information and research, and action planning to strengthen home economics/family studies/human ecology/family and consumer science education in the future. THESA members will be presenting and THESA is offering a draw for registration for THESA members. You can read more about that later in our newsletter. You can read more about the symposium and register here.
THESA has been making some adatpations to serve you better. We are excited to update our professional development grant opportunities for members. Soon, groups of THESA members will be able to apply for professional development grants. We removed the expectation that the group must be a chapter or LSA. Additionally, we are looking into updating our scholarship/bursaries. Stay tuned for updates around that coming in 2023.
Do you weave climate change into your curriculum in your classroom? We want to know how! THESA is hoping to compile a list of resources that are useful and relevant for the home economics classroom. Please complete this quick form here to share any resources you use that connect to climate change. Thank you!
I hope you have a wonderful break and a refreshing start to 2023!
Melissa Edstrom
THESA President