This award is for an exemplary teacher and THESA member. It may be awarded to any practicing school-level teacher (K-12) who incorporates the home economics curriculum in their classroom. They must also be involved in one or more of the following areas:

  • Exemplary leadership and service to the profession in the home economics community.

  • Commitment to professional growth through continuing education, research, or participation in professional learning communities.

  • Sharing of ideas and resources. For example, through community connections, workshops, mentoring or publications.

CLICK: Nominate colleagues who inspire you today! 

Nominations will be accepted until September 15 each year. Please share approximately 100-300 words on why this individual is deserving of the award.


  • This award may be given annually by the THESA Executive Board and, if given, is to be presented at the annual THESA Conference.

  • Nominations may be made by chapters, members, subscribers, and non-members.

  • Nominees must be members of THESA and be practicing school level home economics teachers.

  • The THESA Executive shall adjudicate the award.

  • Nominations shall be considered for only the year in which they are received.



Award Recipients

coming soon