Summer 2023

Happy summer holidays THESA members! This year has been full on and exciting and I’m hoping for a summer with the same sentiments! 

September will start up with a bang for THESA - registration for the 2023 THESA conference opens on September 1! We are thrilled to be heading to Semiahmoo Secondary School in Surrey, BC on October 20, 2023. We hope you will join us either in person or online through the hybrid option. The theme is Fostering Courage through TLC (Teaching, Learning, Creating) and the hosts have some incredible learning opportunities in store for us. Visit the website over the summer to see what you can look forward to. Register early to enter THESA’s early bird draw - later this summer, THESA’s social media outlets will be sharing what you could win! 

If the conference sounds exciting to you, perhaps you and your colleagues would like to host the 2024 conference? Please get in touch with me or another THESA executive member if you or a group of you are interested in hosting or have questions about this rewarding professional development opportunity.

Are you anticipating hunkering down and getting some planning done this summer? Please note that there are many ways THESA can support you! Visit our website to view the plethora of ways THESA can connect you to resources. We have our wonderful, active community on our Facebook group. There are curated resources on THESA’s google drive, including design projects, assessment examples, and teaching strategies. If you have any resources  you think other teachers would find helpful, innovative or useful, please share your resources so they can be uploaded to the drive as well. We appreciate your support! 

I hope you all have a wonderful summer that leaves you recharged and ready for another exciting school year in September. 

Melissa Edstrom

THESA President