For this section you will be taking your food inventory from Section 2 a step further and developing a plan to redesign your home’s food storage.

  1. Open the workbook for this section. Also, have a copy of your food inventory from Section 2 to refer to.

  2. First, identify any food items in the food inventory that you have assessed as “unsafe.” Write these in the “unsafe” column.

  3. Second, identify any food items in the food inventory that you have assessed as “unsure.” Write these in the “unsure” column.

  4. Third, using the recommended resources below or your own resources*, describe under the “what changes could be made” column the changes that should be made to food items that may not be stored safely or items that you are unsure about.
    *If you are using sources other than the recommended resource, make sure you evaluate the credibility of the references and/or reach out to your instructor to determine if the source is credible.

  5. Complete the single-point rubric found in the lesson materials.