In this part, you will create an inventory of the food products that you have or usually have in your home. The inventory should be split into areas of your home where food is stored (pantry, cupboards, refrigerator, freezer, deep freezer, and other areas of your home). For each item, you will be asked to identify if you believe this food item is stored safely based on the readings that you completed in the previous section.
Open the workbook for this section. You will find a sample chart that you can edit based on the number of areas you have in your home where food is stored.
Identify the different areas of your home where food is stored and make those areas the headings in your chart.
For each area, identify the food items that are found in those areas (with as much detail as possible - i.e. unbleached all-purpose flour vs. flour , brown basmati rice vs. rice, 2% milk vs. milk, etc…).
Now revisit each food idea. Using brackets, colour coding, or highlighting, label each item as Safe, Unsafe, or Unsure and explain why. You are assessing if you believe each food item is stored safely, unsafely, or if you are unsure. Describe in detail why you believe the food items are stored safely (i.e. the unbleached all-purpose flour is stored safely because it is stored in a dry, dark, and cool cupboard away from moisture).
Complete the single-point rubric found in the lesson materials.