Spring 2020

I hope this newsletter finds you healthy and safe. We are in the middle of an unprecedented time. The COVID-19 pandemic launched a new uninvited way of doing things into our lives. I have gone through waves of feeling overwhelmed, hopeful, despair, and a strange excitement to try something new. I suspect that most of you have felt similarly. It has helped to remind myself that this is emergency response learning not homeschooling or online learning. I want to encourage you to find the support and time for yourself that you need. You can find various support resources in this newsletter in the article titled “Finding Support During the Covid-19 Pandemic”. Your local union and the BCTF are there to support you during this challenging time. 

My principal reminded us not to let negative energy impact the positive work we are doing. As we embark on this strange time together, we are creating a sense of consistency and normalcy for our students. The care and attention we provide them with lifts them and their families up as they navigate these challenging times. 

Watching communities come together to support each other - especially our home economics community - has been a heartwarming and encouraging silver lining for me during this time. I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the individuals who took the time to share resources with each other. Fantastic resources are being shared on our THESA Facebook group. The THESA.org website has seen an incredible amount of traffic. Thank you again to Joe Tong, Megan Brevner, Carrol Keane, and Denise Nembard who contributed their time and energy to build that invaluable resource up for us. Earlier this spring, the THESA executive decided to make the THESA Facebook group open to all BC teachers. We believe it prudent to share our resources with all home economics teachers as we shift to new normals and home learning. That said, we may decide to return to a restricted THESA members only group in the future. 

You may be wondering what we have planned for our October 23, 2020 THESA conference in the light of physical distancing. I have been in discussion with the BCTF and they are encouraging us follow the advice of the provincial health officer. The THESA executive met (on Zoom) recently and we decided that THESA will shift the 2020 conference from an in person event to a virtual conference. We are excited about what we have planned and, although we believe meeting face to face provides invaluable opportunities, we think the virtual conference will be a great solution for us to connect and learn in light of the circumstances. The THESA executive will meet again in June to continue planning the 2020 virtual conference. We will keep you updated as things become clearer. We want to thank the Vernon THESA chapter for all of their hard work and flexibility and we look forward to visiting Vernon for the 2021 THESA conference. 

Please let us know if there are other ways THESA can support you, your colleagues, and your students. We appreciate your membership. It allows us to organize resources, coordinate conferences, and have a vital voice in the BCTF. Strong membership levels allow us to make a positive impact in the province. We are stronger together and hope we can make this challenging time a little less stressful. If you are reading this newsletter and have not yet purchased a membership this year, please consider doing so - this can be done on the BCTF website and is reimbursable through Pro-D funds in many districts. 

Warm regards,

Melissa Edstrom

THESA President 

Joe Tong