Fall 2020

I hope that you all were able to relax and recharge this summer and that your school year has started up smoothly, despite the challenging circumstances. Our Facebook group has been busier than ever and I have been grateful to have this incredible community of dedicated teachers to run ideas by, ask questions to, and remind me that we are in this together. Many of us are faced with new and sometimes concerning circumstances in our jobs this year and I hope that you, too, are able to connect with folks that can support you, whether it is through our Facebook group, through your local specialist association, or with colleagues at your school. 

This newsletter issue will also provide some links for support or guidance regarding teaching home economics during the COVID-19 pandemic if you need it. THESA has a best practices guidance document that you can find on our website. On that document there are links to various protocol suggestions including cleaning and sanitizing recommendations. Home economics courses are also specifically mentioned in the Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings which is the document I was working on when I represented BCTF members in the Health and Safety Working Group with the Ministry of Education this summer. This group is continuing to work through the fall. It is a privilege to stand up for not only what teachers need but also, specifically, what home economics teachers need and need to know during this tumultuous time. 

Although we may have some challenges facing us, we have things to look forward to as well. Registration for the 2020 THESA Virtual conference is open! The THESA executive has been working hard this summer to put together what I think will be a tremendous conference. The virtual aspect of this year’s conference makes it accessible to attendees across the province and beyond, allows us to bring in some outstanding presenters, and allows registration cost to be reduced because there is no physical venue. THESA is giving away two free registrations to two lucky winners who register before October 1st and, even though we won’t be seeing each other in person, THESA will still be giving away some fantastic door prizes! Looking forward to “seeing” you there! Visit the THESA conference website to register. 

Finally, I want to extend a sincere and wholehearted thank you to Paula Aquino who is completing her role as THESA Past President this October. Paula’s passion, dedication, and commitment to promoting home economics and to THESA members during nearly a decade and a half on the THESA executive has undoubtedly lifted up and shaped home economics in our province and beyond. We will miss having you on our executive, Paula. Thank you for everything.

Melissa Edstrom

THESA President

Joe TongPresidents Letter