Wow! What a process that was redesigning our food storage areas. Restaurants, grocery stores, artisans, and other facilities constantly redesign and check their food storage areas for safety based on a wide variety of factors (temperature, humidity, pests, human contact, etc…). Together, we went through a process of redesigning the most important food storage areas - our homes!

To wrap-up this module, we will be looking back at the process so far, identify key moments in our design planning process, and communicate our findings from testing our design. Answer the following questions in a format that you are comfortable with (reflective writing, creating a video of the before/after of the redesign, etc…).

  1. What did you find easy about redesigning the food storage areas? What did you find difficult?

  2. Consider the redesign and whether you shifted a lot of food items, only a few items, or none at all.

    How did the information from the Government of Canada’s website and other research you did affect your redesign? How may it affect your or your household’s food storage or grocery shopping habits in the future?

  3. Consider the feedback you received from members of your household. Was the feedback positive? negative? Describe why you think you received the feedback you did.

  4. Overall what would you continue to change in your redesign if you had the opportunity to redesign the food storage areas with an unlimited budget? (Let’s say you had access to a complete household and appliance renovation)

  5. Complete the single-point rubric found in the lesson materials.

Congratulations on completing this module! We hope you had a good time learning about the areas of your home and what we can do to store food safely!