First of all, hello - how are you doing at this moment? What we are experiencing right now is definitely different than our typical experiences in home economics classes. In the coming weeks, we’re honoured to learn with you by getting to know you, your home, and the fantastic learning we can do from where we are.
The coursework here is organized in modules (consisting of activities, exercises, and tasks that guides you in understanding a topic and/or question deeply)
Each module allows you to work on activities with your own schedule. Some modules are brief (one week) and some are long-term modules (three to five weeks). Regardless of length, you will have the flexibility to schedule the activities for these modules with the rest of your responsibilities.
Home Economics courses are part of British Columbia’s Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies coursework.
It will be no surprise that these modules will help you in developing your skills in designing plans and creations, developing life-long skills and strategies, and exploring existing and new technologies.
To keep our modules consistent, you will notice that the activities, rubrics, assessment tools, and organization for the modules are based on one or more of the following five learning processes*:
Inquire and Investigate
Identify & Acquire
Plan & Create
Apply & Connect
Analyze & Reflect
*based on the ADST Classroom Assessment Resource Package.
learning activities
Each module will consist of one ore more learning activities depending on the length of the module. Each learning activity is a “section” of the module. Each learning activity will also have its own rubric that can be found in the section’s workbook.
Your instructor will clarify expectations and deadlines for modules. For longer modules, your instructor may ask that you send learning activities as you complete them rather than all-at-once at the end of a longer module.
Please consult with your instructor to confirm requirements and communication method for submissions.
Pro tip: organize your time wisely before beginning the activities in a module. Click through all of the sections within a module thoroughly first (especially for multi-part or longer modules) and develop a plan to complete the activities with the rest of your responsibilities. We recommend that you schedule the tasks in chunks rather than attempting to complete all sections in one attempt.
About assessment. Your instructors are here to guide you along the different sections as you work through the modules. Keep in close contact with your instructor in their preferred method of communication. Even though the course is at your own pace, reaching out to your peers or instructors digitally or on the phone is a great way to check in, clarify the assignments, and feel connected to your school community.
About evaluation:
The desired format of how you will send your workbooks and rubric will vary by instructor.
All assessment and evaluation FRAMEWORKS are based on the ADST Classroom Assessment Resource Package.
If you are unable to access online versions of course materials, paper-based versions will be available for download and may be edited by your instructors to support your learning.